Edit Hosting Packages in WHM

How to edit or modify hosting packages in WHM?

How to Modify Hosting Packages in WHM?

Package is used to define the specific value for a cpanel account. When you edit a package, it will automatically update the edited package settings to all the accounts allocated to that package. To edit a package, follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to WHM Panel.
Login Whm
Step 2: Search as "package" in the search box and hit enter.
Search Package Whm
Step 3: In the search results, select Edit a Package.
Select Edit A Package Whm
Step 4: Select the package and click Edit.Select Package Whm

Step 5: Edit for the required changes. You can modify the Disk Quota, Bandwidth, accounts, database and other things here.
Edit Resources Package Whm
Step 6: After editing the package, click Save Changes.

Click Save Changes Whm
Step 7: You will get "Saving package" popup alert as shown below. Once after saving the package the changes will be applied for all the accounts assigned for this particular package.
Updating Changes In Package Whm

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