How to change or edit mx entry (Mail Exchanger) record in WHM?
Mail Exchanger record (MX Entry) is a kind of record used in the domain to find the priorities of mail servers. You can configure a new MX entry for a domain in two ways.
Option 1: Directly editing in MX Entry.
Option 2: Configuring MX Entry in DNS Zone
To configure a MX Entry directly, follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to WHM panel.
Step 2: In the search box, type as "mx" and hit enter.
Step 3: Select Edit MX Entry.
Step 4: Select Domain to edit the MX Entry and click Edit.
Step 5: Delete the local mail exchanger.
Step 6: Enable Automatically Detect Configuration radio button.
Step 7: Add the new MX Entry.
For example, to configure Google Apps MX entry for the selected domain, you should enter priority and MX Destination of google apps correctly. To add another entry click Add Another MX Entry Field.
Step 8: Make the entry and click Save.
You will get notification for the newly entered MX Entry.