Whois Server for .xn--3e0b707e (.한국)

What is the whois server for .xn--3e0b707e (.한국)?

Dot xn--3e0b707e Whois Server

By default, whois server for .xn--3e0b707e (.한국) TLD is whois.kr. This can be used to fetch the .xn--3e0b707e (.한국) domain/website whois information. Extension .xn--3e0b707e sponsoring organisation is KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) and its registered on 05-02-2011.
Whois Server for .xn  3e0b707e
Sponsoring Organisation Details
KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency).
Korea Network Information Center(KRNIC),
Daedong Bldg., 109 Jungdae ro, Songpa gu, Seoul, 138 803.
Korea, Republic Of.

whois -h <whois server> <domain name>

For example
whois -h whois.kr hiox.xn--3e0b707e

Related Topics

TLDs Whois Servers