State Bank of Mysore SMS Banking

List of SMS banking keywords and number for State Bank of Mysore (SBM) mobile service.

SBM SMS / Mobile Banking Number and Keywords

State Bank of Mysore

State Bank of Mysore (SBM) SMS/mobile banking number is 9223440000

MBSREGGet User Id and Mpin
Smpin <usr_id> <old_mpin> <new_mpin>Change Mpin
Saccept <usr_id> <Mpin>Accept Terms and Conditions
Sbal <usr_id> <Mpin>Check Account Balance
Smin <usr_id> <Mpin>Get Account Mini Statement
Stopup <usr_id> <Mpin> <tel_ben_mob> <Mob_no_ben> <amt>Get Mobile Top up
OTP <otp_no> Stopup <usr_id> <Mpin> <tel_ben_mob> <Mob_no_ben> <amt>Get OTP for Mobile Recharge
Sdth <usr_id> <Mpin> <Service Provider> <DTH serial no> <amt>Get DTH Recharge
OTP <otp_no> <Sdth> <usr_id> <Mpin> <Service Provider> <DTH serial no> <amt>Get OTP for DTH Recharge
Smobitop <usr_id> <Mpin> <WalletID> <amt>Get Mobile Wallet Top up
OTP <otp_no > <Smobitop> <usr_id> <Mpin> <WalletID> <amt>Get OTP for Wallet Top up
Sfpin <usr_id>Recover Mpin
SderegDeregister From Service
IMPS <Mobile No> <MMID> <amt> <usr_id> <MPIN> <Purpose(optional field up to 20 char Alpha Numeric)>Make IMPS Fund Transfer
OTP <otp_no> <IMPS> <mob_no> <MMID> <amt> <usr_id> <MPIN> <Purpose(optional field up to 20 char Alpha numeric)>Get OTP for IMPS Fund Transfer
IMPS <ben_a/c_no> <Beneficiary IFSC> < amount> <usr_id> <MPIN> <Purpose>Get IMPS through IFS, P2A
OTP <XXXXXX> <IMPS> <ben_a/c_no> < Beneficiary IFSC> <amt> <User ID> <MPIN> <Purpose>Get OTP for IMPS through IFS, P2A
MIMPS <merchant mobile no> <merchant MMID> <amt> <usr_id> <M PIN> <Payment reference>Get IMPS Merchant Payments
OTP <otp_no> MIMPS <merchant mobile no> <merchant MMID> <amt> <usr_id> <M PIN> <Payment reference>Get OTP for IMPS Merchant Payments