Create Email Accounts in Plesk

How to create email accounts in plesk?

Steps to Follow

To create new email account follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to Plesk Control panel.
Step 2: Under Mail tab, select Create Email Address.
Create Email Address Plesk
Step 3: Create Email Address page opens.
Step 4: Type the Email address
Step 5: Provide strong password to secure the email account.
Step 6: Type the same password again in the Confirm password field.
Step 7: Under Mailbox, you can set the required size to manage your mailbox by enabling Another size check box. You can also leave the default size.
Note: The size you provide should not be more than the default size. (i.e., 100MB)
Step 8: Now click OK.
Create Email Address Form Plesk
New email address will be created as shown in the below image.Created New Email Address Plesk

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