How to spell check in Openoffice Spreadsheet?
Spell check option is used to detect the misspelled word and replace it with the correct word.
Enable Spell check:
Click on the Auto Spellcheck icon from the standard toolbar. If this option is enabled, it will highlight the spelling errors in a wavy red line.
To get suggestions for the misspelled words, do the following.
Step 1: Right click on the misspelled word. You will be provided with the list of suggested words.
Step 2: Select the required suggested word. The misspelled word will be automatically replaced by the selected word.
Ignore All:
The misspelled word will be ignored by the spell checker.
To replace a word:
Replace option is used to replace the misspelled word with the correct word.
Step 1: Select the misspelled words and click on the Spelling icon or right click and select "Spellcheck..."
Step 2: In the spell check dialog box, misspelled word will be highlighted under Not in dictionary text box. Under Suggestions, suggested words will be listed. Select the correct word and click Change. Now the selected word will be replaced.
To replace all the mispelled word:
Step 1: Select the correct word under Suggestions and click Change All option.
Step 2: You will get an alert message, click Yes to replace all the words.
The particular word used anywhere in the spreadsheet file will be replaced with the selected word.
Add a word to Dictionary
If the word is not added in the Standard dictionary, then the word will be highlighted in the wavy red line. You can add a word to Dictionary using two options.
Option 1: Right click on the word and select Add -> standard.dic
Option 2: Select the word and click Spelling icon.
Step 3: Spelling: English dialog box appears. click on the downward arrow near the Add option and select Standard.dic. The word will be added into the standard dictionary.
For the next time, the word wont be highlighted with the wavy red line as misspelled word.