Insert Hyperlink in OpenOffice Spreadsheet

How to insert hyperlink in OpenOffice Spreadsheet?


To insert a hyperlink, follow the steps given below
Step 1:
Select the cell, where you want to insert the hyperlink.
Step 2: Select InsertHyperlink
Step 3: In the hyperlink window, select the Hyperlink type (web, FTP, Telnet)
Step 4: In the left tree, select any one of the four categories of hyperlink.
i) Internet:
In this option, the given hyperlink will point to a web address. The web address starts with "http://"
In the below picture, the text is hyper-linked.
ii) Mail and News: In this option, the given Hyperlink opens an email message which is pre-addressed to a specific recipient.
In the below image, text is hyper-linked with the email address.
iii) Document:
If you choose this option, the hyperlink which you type will point to another document or to another place in the current document.
In the below image, the text is hyper-linked with local document path.
iv) New Document:
New Document option is used to create a new document from the given hyperlink.
For creating a new document, there are two options named as, Edit Now and Edit Later. Edit now option is used to generate a new file immediately and Edit Later option is used to just create a new file and edit it later.
In the below image, the new image will be hyper-linked with the new document.

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