Set Borders to Cells in Spreadsheet

How to set borders to cells in OpenOffice Spreadsheet?


To set or change borders to a cell, follow the steps given below
Step 1:First, select the cell which you want to format.
Step 2:Open the format cells dialog box or press Ctrl+1 (Shortcut). For other methods of opening the format cells,Click here .
Step 3: In the format cells dialog box, click on borders in the tab.
Step 4: Under "Line Arrangement" option, there are five different border styles.
Option 1: If you do not want to apply the border style, then click "Set No Borders" option.
Option 2:
If you want borders on 4 sides then choose "Set All Four Borders" option.
Option 3:If you want to apply borders on Left and right side of a cell, then choose " Set Left and Right Borders" option.
Option 4:If you want to apply borders on Top and Bottom of a cell, then choose "Set Top and Bottom Borders" option.
Option 5:If you want to apply diagonal lines in a cell, then choose "Diagonal Lines" option.
Step 5: If you want to set "Border Line" style for a cell, then you can choose it under the "Line Style" option.
Step 6: If you want to give "Border Color" for a cell, then you can choose it under the "Color" option.
Step 7: Press "OK".
Set Cell Borders in Spreadsheet

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