Change Border Color in Ms Excel 2013

How to set border colors for the cells in MS Excel 2013?


To set border colors for the cell follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Click the cell/cells for which you need to apply the border color.
Step 2: Follow any of the two options to set border colors for the cells.
Option 1: Right click on the selected cells and click Format Cells.
format cells ms excel 2013
Option 2: Click Borders icon and select More Borders.
set borders colors ms excel 2013
Step 3: Format Cells dialog box opens, under Border tab click the drop down under Color and choose the required color. Click OK to apply selected color for the border.
set borders colors1 ms excel 2013
Step 4: Now choose the required border and click OK.
set borders colors2 ms excel 2013
Selected color will be applied for the borders as given in the image below.
set borders colors3 ms excel 2013

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