Change File Permission In Ubuntu

How to change file permission in Ubuntu?


File permissions helps you to specify who can read, write, modify and access your file.
Step 1: Select the file for which the permission has to be changed.
Step 2: Right click on the file and select Properties option.
file permission ubuntu
Step 3: In the resulting pop up, select Permissions tab.
file permissions ubuntu
Step 4: Select the type of access for the Owner, Group and Other users.
Owner - Owner is the super user who got privilege to change the whole accessibility and customization of the system.
Groups - Multiple users can be added into Groups. Users added in the groups are permitted to utilize the privileged access provided by the current user.
Other users - Users accounts that are not under any groups are the Other users.
You can choose any of the below access for each set of users.
Read and Write option allows the users to read and edit the file.
Read only option allows the user to read the file, but they cannot make any changes for the file.
Permission for Group:
Click the drop down near the Group and select required group. Select the type of access for the group users.
Step 5: Click the Close Button to exit the Properties window.
choose permission ubuntu
Note: Each file has access permissions provided by the admin or respective group users. To change/edit the file permissions of any file, you need the respective user permission.

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