IFSC Code Search - Find All Banks IFSC Code

Find here the IFSC Code of all banks in India.

IFSC Code Finder

IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. It has eleven alphanumeric character codes provided by Reserve Bank of India. It aids to identify the bank branches that are associated with the NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) network. The IFSC code facilitates in electronic funds transfer, which helps to find the source and destination banks at ease.

Find All Indian Banks IFSC Code

Among the 11 character code, first four characters are letters denoting the bank name, fifth character will be always zero which is referred for future use, next six digits are the numbers that representing the unique bank branch. It is also used for RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) and NEFT transactions. Here, IFSC code finder has listed out the IFSC code of all the banks in India. You can use this tutorial to search the IFSC code of your nearest bank at no time. Click on the required bank to fetch the state-wise location.

IFSC Code Finder