Using Adblock Plus Options in Chrome
Filterlists are required by Adblock Plus to block annoying ads. By
default, Adblock
Plus will automatically suggest a filterlist to you
based on the language settings of your browser. The default filter list
would be EasyList. The list consits of most popular ad elements that are
to be blocked. The add-on also allows you to add your own filters to
the list of items which you feel annoying. But, too many filterlists
would slow down the Adblock Plus, hence it is recommened to not use more
Learn here how to use Adblock Plus Filter Options.
Step 1: Click on ABP Icon on the Tool bar and Select Options. ABP → Options
Step 2: Adblock Plus Options Window is now opened in a new tab.
Step 3: Filter List allows you to enable the filter lists required. By default, EasyList is Enabled which contains all popular ad elements to be blocked.
Step 4: Add filter subscription contains list of recommended filters for subscription.
Step 5: Click on "Add filter subscription", from the drop down menu select the list you
want to subscribe to, Adblock Plus automatically enable these lists by
Select the default filter recommendations to add new/more filters.
Step 6:
"Add you own filters" option allows you to add your own filter element
either by means of blockable elements or just by enter the filter name. Type in the required filter element to be added to the list and click on the Add Filter button.
Click on Add Filter Button.
This would now block all elements on the webpage related to the element added.
Step 7: To remove a particular own filter item added. Click on the respective filter element and press the Remove Filter button.
Step 8: This would remove and unblock all elements related to the filter item.