Blocking Annoying Ad Elements using Adblock Plus in Chrome
Adblock Plus, it is easy to block a specific element from showing
during your browsing. ABP add-on further allows you to mark certain
webpages or websites from blocking ads. Let us learn to block unwanted ad elements from showing using Adblock Plus in Chrome.
Step 1: To
block any specific element on the current page. Click on the ABP icon
on the Tool bar and select Block element. i.e, ABP → Block element.
Close the Pop-up and Right Click on the Element to block.
Step 2: Now, close the pop-up window and right click on any element on the current page.
Step 3: Add Filters Pop up window opens with the selected element to be added to filter.
Step 4: Click on Add Filter to add the specific element from showing. Once done, the selected element will be blocked by ABP.
Step 5: To unblock the element from blocking, Go to ABP → Options → Add Your Own Filters
Step 6: Select the respective filter element to be removed from blocking and click on the Remove Selected button.
Step 7: This would remove the item that has be blocked from the filter list.