How to Block Unwanted Element using Adblock Plus in Chrome?

Blocking Annoying Ad Elements using Adblock Plus in Chrome

Stop Unwanted Ad Elements

With Adblock Plus, it is easy to block a specific element from showing during your browsing. ABP add-on further allows you to mark certain webpages or websites from blocking ads. Let us learn to block unwanted ad elements from showing using Adblock Plus in Chrome.
Step 1: To block any specific element on the current page. Click on the ABP icon on the Tool bar and select Block element. i.e, ABP → Block element.
Block Element Using Abp
Close the Pop-up and Right Click on the Element to block.
Option To Block Elements
Step 2: Now, close the pop-up window and right click on any element on the current page.
Blockable Item On Current Page
Step 3: Add Filters Pop up window opens with the selected element to be added to filter.
Add Blockable Item To Abp
Step 4: Click on Add Filter to add the specific element from showing. Once done, the selected element will be blocked by ABP.
Items Blocked Using Filter
Step 5: To unblock the element from blocking, Go to ABP → Options → Add Your Own Filters
Select Filter To Remove
Step 6: Select the respective filter element to be removed from blocking and click on the Remove Selected button.
Remove Selected
Step 7: This would remove the item that has be blocked from the filter list.
Blockable Item Removed

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