Learn how to transfer domain/hosting Service from One Mail to Another Mail
If you want to move any of your domain service from one account to another account in HIOXIndia, you can use this simple tutorial to change your account. This tutorial guides you on how to move domain from one account to another in HIOXINDIA. Follow the below steps to move service from one mail id to another email.
Step 1:Goto Hioxindia.com → Select Sign in
Step 2: Login to HIOXIndia Client Panel
Step 3: Under Orders, click My Invoices.
Step 4: Choose Move Service Option under the domain name for which you have to move the service.
Step 5: Move Service popup opens. Enter the email id that is registered with HIOXIndia in Destination Email ID textbox for which you have to move the service.
Step 6:You can check the options if you want to move all active orders and want to update this mail in WHOIS. If not needed, just uncheck and click 'Submit'.
Step 7: If you opt for "Move All active orders", then all the orders under the current email-id will be listed and you can choose the orders for which you want to move the service.
Step 8: Check your current email-id for the verification code and enter the code as shown in the image below.
Once verification is completed, you will receive a confirmation mail regarding the transfer service. Your services are now moved to the new email-id.