How to do easy magic tricks with paper?
Papers are not only meant to be used for writing and drawing purposes. You can do so many magical tricks using the papers. Here is simple trick of making of magical paper patterns. Learn this trick from our step by step image tutorial.
Materials Needed
→ Paper
→ Ruler
→ Pencil
→ Color Sketches
Steps To Follow
Step 1: Take any long paper and keep three marks using ruler leaving about 3 to 4cm from the end.
Step 2: Keep the ruler along the marked lines.
Step 3: Tore the page.
Step 4: Now your paper should be as we have in the below image.
Step 5: Take any one corner and mark 30 degrees. Fold the paper from the marked line and draw an other 30 degrees as we have shown in the below image.
Step 6: Fold the paper along the marked portion.
Step 7: Take the corner and fold it towards the upper side forming the triangle shape.
Step 8: Make the repetitive foldings till the end of the paper. Unfold the paper. You should have got the zig zag markings as shown in the below image.
Step 9: Cut the portion that you have marked the 30 degree angle.
Step 10: Take the end of the second "v" marking and bend it down.
Step 11: Take the last three "v" markings and fold it towards inside as we have shown in the below image.
Click on the next page, to view the forth coming steps.