How do you make origami paper balls for Christmas decorations?
A Christmas paper ball is a hand made paper craft ball, made of origami paper. This ball can be used in Christmas decorations to hang it in your Christmas Trees and in the roofs. Here are the simple steps on how to create an origami Christmas paper ball. Try yourselves using the below step by step instructions and create your own Christmas paper ball and decorate the home with Christmas paper balls this Christmas Season.
Materials Required:
→ Two Different Colors of Origami Paper
→ Scissor
→ Scale
→ Pencil
→ An iron string of length 15 cms
→ Buttons of different sizes and colors: 5 to 7
→ Sequins with color of your choice
→ A head pin or safety pin to make holes in paper
→ A straw
→ A satin ribbon of length approximately 2 feet
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1: Take the above stated materials as shown below.
Step 2: Take two different colored origami papers.
Step 3: Take any one origami paper at a time.
Step 4: Mark equally space lines on the paper, approx 1 cm each.
Step 5: Draw the lines across the paper vertically, till the end.
Step 6: There should be 8 to 10 marks on the paper.
Step 7: Drawn line should appear as shown in the below image.
Step 8: Now keep the other origami paper below the drawn paper.
Step 9: Use scissor and cut along the lines drawn on the green paper, thereby cutting both the papers in the same size.
Step 10: All the lines are cut counting to a total of around 20 paper strips of both colors.
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