How to Find the Mean / Average?

How to find the mean or average value for set of numbers?

Steps to Calculate Mean

Mean is the average value for the given set of numbers.
Calculate Mean
To calculate Mean (Average), use the formula below
Sample Mean Formula
Lets us assume a sample set of data.
For Example,
x = (3, 6, 7, 5, 9)
Mean Example
Step 1: Add all the given set of values to find the sum.
3 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 9 = 30
Step 1 Mean
Step 2: Count the total number of data.
Here the total number of data is 5.
Step 2 Mean
Step 3: To find the mean or average for the given set of numbers divide the step 1 result by step 2 result.
Mean = 30 / 5 = 6
Mean = 6
Mean or average value for the given sample data is 6.
Mean Result
Use our online Mean Calculator to find the mean / average for the large set of data.

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