How To Change / Reset WiFi Password in BSNL Broadband Connection?
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) offers telecom services and network management from the erstwhile Central Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom Operations (DTO) to the public users. It is one of the largest & leading public sector units providing a comprehensive range of telecom services in India.
This is a short tutorial that explains you on how to change BSNL Wifi password in broadband connection. It is necessary to keep resetting your password timely for its security. Here are the simple steps to be followed to change the BSNL Broadband password of WiFi.
Step 1: Open a web browser and type and press enter.
Step 2: A pop-up window would appear in front of you asking for your BSNL ID and Password.
Step 3: Just enter the User Name/id: admin and Password: admin
(This is the default password of the Bsnl you can change it after login if you want)
Step 4: Click on Interface Setup > Wireless from the menu.
Step 5: Find the WEP Section in the open page and Enter your password in Key#1 Box.
Step 6: Your Wifi Password has been changed successfully. Save and Restart your PC.