How to Calculate ICSE 10th Percentage?

How to Calculate ICSE Percentage For Class 10 Board Exam?

ICSE Class 10 Percentage Calculation

ICSE - Indian Certificate of Secondary Education is an examination conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, a private, non-governmental board of school education in India, for class 10, i.e., grade 10.
The subjects in the ICSE syllabus are offered into three groups, Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 respectively.
Group 1 : Consists of Compulsory Subjects English, History, Civics & Geography, and Indian Language.
Group 2 : Consists of any two from Mathematics, Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry) as separate subjects, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Agricultural Science, Commercial Studies, Technical Drawing, A Modern Foreign Language, A Classical Language and Economics.
Group 3 : Consists of any one from Computer Applications, Economic Applications, Commercial Applications, Art, Performing Arts, Home Science, Cookery, Fashion Designing, Physical Education, Technical Drawing Applications, Yoga, and Environmental Applications.
The candidates appearing for the ICSE or Class 10th board examination have to study 6 subjects, with one or three papers in each group. ICSE results are taken from best five of six subjects out of which English marks is compulsory. English is a compulsory subject whose marks are always considered. You have to consider the marks of the top 4 subjects and leave out the other 2 whose marks are low as compared to the remaining ones (top 4 subjects). Add the marks of those subjects and English, then divide it by 5. The answer will be your percentage.

Let us learn here how to calculate ICSE 10th percentage with a neat example.
How To Calculate Icse 10th Percentage
ICSE Class 10 Percentage = Subject1 + Subject2 + Subject3 + Subject4 + Subject5 / 500
Icse 10th Percentage Formula
Step 1: Consider the following table of marks obtained by a student in class 10 board exam.
Icse Class 10 Percentage Calculation Example
In ICSE, Physics,Chemistry and Biology is considered as one subject SCIENCE. English Literature and Language is considerd as one subject ENGLISH and History, Civics and Geography is considered as one subject HCG, all other subjects are considered as single subject.

Step 2: For subjects that consists of more than one paper, the marks are calculated based on the average of all the papers in the subject. Now, find the average of subjects, Science and HCG.
Average Of Common Icse Subjects
Step 3: Calculate the ICSE Class 10 Percentage by substituting the values in the formula,
Icse Class10 Percentage Calculation Result
Hence, the ICSE class 10 percentage of the student is 70.73 %

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