How do you convert feet per hour (FPH) to miles per hour(MPH)?
Feet Per Hour (fph) is the unit of both Speed and Velocity. It is the ratio of the distance travelled in feet to the time spent travelling in hours.
Miles Per Hour (mph) is the unit of Speed of light in vacuum. It is the ratio of the distance travelled in miles to the time spent travelling in hours.
Let us learn here how to convert feet per hour to miles per hour with simple example.Shorttutorial on fph to mph unit conversion.
1 Feet Per Hour (fph) = 0.000189394 Miles Per Hour (mph)
Step 1 : Convert 5 feet per hour to miles per hour.
Feet Per Hour (fph) = 5
Step 2 : Applying the values in the formula,
Feet Per Hour = 5 x 0.000189394 Miles Per Hour
fph = 0.00094697 mph