How do you Reinstall Wordpress in Control Panel (Cpanel) ?
Follow the steps provided below and know how to reinstall wordpress in cpanel.
Step 1: Provide username and password to login to control panel.
Step 2: Search as "Soft" and select Wordpress.
Software Setup
Choose Protocol:
Click the drop down and choose the protocol.
Choose Domain:
Select the required Domain name.
In Directory:
If you want the main site to use wordpress then, leave this field empty.
If you want the wordpress to install inside a directory/folder, then provide the name of the folder.
Site Settings
Site Name:
Enter the site name, which will be added as the title.
Site Description:
Give the description for the site.
Admin Account
Admin Username:
Enter the username of the admin.
Admin Password:
Provide strong password for the admin. Strength of the password will be displayed by the password strength checker.
Admin Email:
Enter the admin email address.
Choose Language
Select Language:
Click on the drop down and choose the required language.
Step 5: Select the theme you want to provide for the website.
Click on the arrow to view the list of available themes. If
not selected any theme, wordpress will be created with the default theme.
Click Install.
Now wordpress will begin to install as shown in the below image.
You will get a message as provided once if the Wordpress gets installed successfully.