Reinstall Magento in cPanel

How to Reinstall Magento in cPanel?


Magento is the open-source content management system which is used for the online e-commerce websites. The tutorial page explains the step by step procedure involved in the installation process of Magento software.
Step 1: Login to cPanel.
Login Cpanel 01
Step 2: Scroll down to Softaculous Apps Installer and select Magento under Scripts.
Search Magento
Step 3: Click Install tab and click Install Now

Reinstall Magento Step1
Step 4: Fill all the fields under Software Setup.
Software Setup
Choose the version to install:
Enter the required version by clicking the drop down.
Choose Protocol:
Select the protocol of your site. If you have purchased SSL, then choose HTTPS else choose HTTP.
Choose Domain:
Select the required domain from the drop down.
In Directory:
To install magento under the main folder (ie,. public_html) , then leave this field empty.
To install magento inside a directory/folder, provide folder name in this field.(for eg "magento")
Not mandatory to fill the cron field.Reinstall Magento Step2
Step 5:
Site Settings
Admin Path:
It is not mandatory to provide the admin path. If you provide admin path, then the site will be created under the folder you have mentioned.
Reinstall Magento Step3
Step 6:

Admin Account
Admin Username
Enter the username for the admin.
Admin Password:
Provide strong and secured admin password to avoid hacking. Your password strength will be displayed by the password strength checker.
First Name:
Provide the first name for the admin.
Last Name:
Enter the last name for the admin.
Admin Email:
Provide the admin email address.Reinstall Magento Step4
Step 7: Click Install
Reinstall Magento Step5
Installation process begins
Reinstall Magento Step6
You will get a message alert once if the Magento gets installed successfully.
Magento Reinstallation Alert Message

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