How to create database using mysql database wizard in control panel?
To create new database using Mysql database wizard follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to Control panel and search as database in the search box and hit enter. Select MySQL Database Wizard under Databases.
Step 2: In the database wizard window, enter the new database name under New Database field and click Next Step.
Note: New Database will be created with the predefined site account name that you have logged in.
Step 3: Under Create Database users,
Provide User name for the newly created database under "Username:" field.
Type the password in "Password" field and retype the same password in "Password(Again):" field.
You can check the password strength in the Strength field. Click Create User.
Password Generator:
Incase the password you have given is not strong enough, use Password generator option.
This generator tool will suggest you for setting the strong password. To get suggestions, click Password Generator button.
In the resulting pop-up, click Generate Password. You will get different character suggestions on each click.
Click "Use Password" button to the use the generated password.
Step 4: Provide privilege for the MySQL user by enabling the required check box. To provide all privileges enable ALL PRIVILEGES check box and click Next Step.
Step 5: Finally the database will be created using the above given privileges.
Click the required option to move to another page or task.