Install Magento in cPanel

How to install Magento in cpanel?


Magento is the open-source content management system which is used for the online e-commerce websites.
Step 1: Login to cPanel.
Step 2: In the search box, enter as magento and hit enter. Select Magento under Scripts.
magento installation cpanel
Step 3: Click Install tab. Enter all the fields.
magento installation1 cpanel
Choose the version you want to install:
Enter the required version by clicking the drop down.
Choose Protocol:
Select the protocol of your site.
Choose Domain:
Select the required domain from the drop down.
In Directory:
If you want the main site to use magento then, leave this field empty.
If you want the magento to install inside a directory/folder, then provide the name for the folder.
Database Name:
Enter the name of the database to create for the magento tables. Database of magento will be created in the name you provide.
Not mandatory to fill the cron field.
magento installation2 cpanel
Admin Path:
It is not mandatory to provide the admin path. If you provide admin path then the magento admin url would be like, "http://yourdomainname/magento/adminpath" or "http://yourdomainname/adminpath".
Table Prefix:
Magento tables will be provided with the default prefix.magento installation3 cpanel
Admin Username:
Enter the username for the admin.
Admin Password:
Provide the strong admin password. Your password strength will be displayed by the password strength checker.
First Name:
Provide the first name for the admin.
Last Name:
Enter the last name for the admin.
Admin Email:
Provide the admin email address.
Step 4: Click Install after entering all the fields.
magento installation4 cpanel
Magento homepage will be created as given below.
magento homepage

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