A short tutorial on how to enable fileinfo extension in php.
You can enable the php fileinfo extension using two ways.
1. Using PHP selector
2. Using php.in
Enable Fileinfo using PHP selector
Follow the below steps to enable fileinfo extension with just few clicks.
Step 1 : Login to your CPanel account.
Step 2 : Select PHP version under software or search php version using search box.
Step 3 : Below the PHP version you will see the fileinfo which in default not checklist yet. All you have to do is checklist fileinfo and save.
Step 4 : The selected extension is enabled in your php.
.htaccess Enable PHP fileinfo using Php.in
Follow the below steps to install / enable fileinfo extension.
Step 1 : Login to cPanel
Step 2 : Select File manager under files
Step 3 : Select public_html folder from the folder list.
Step 4 : Edit php.ini file if the file is not present create php.ini file.
Step 5 : Once you have created your file include the following code using Edit option and save.
extension = fileinfo.so
Step 6 : Now you can check your fileinfo.