Enable Auto Delete Spam using Spam Assassin

How to enable Auto Delete Spam using Spam Assassin in cPanel?


Spam score refers to the score given to an email under defined set of rules. Spam Assassin is an open source software in finding the spam mail messages. You can set the spam score in cpanel by following the steps provided below.
Step 1: Login to cPanel with the username and password.
Login Cpanel 01
Step 2: In the search box type as "spam" and select Apache SpamAssassin from the search results.
Select Apache Spam Assassin
Step 3: In the resulting page, click the drop down near Score to select a Spam Score.
Enable Auto Delete Spam Step1
Step 4: Select the score and click Auto-Delete Spam.
Enable Auto Delete Spam Step2
The spam mail will be deleted automatically if its spam score is above 5.
Enable Auto Delete Spam Step3

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