Edit Files using cPanel Text Editor

How to edit files using cPanel text editor?


To edit file using text editor follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to Control Panel. From the list of options under Files select File Manager.
file manager cpanel
Step 2: Select public_html.
public html cpanel
Step 3:
Go to the required folder and select the file that has to be edited.
select file edit cpanel
Step 4: You can edit the file in the text editor using two ways.
Option 1: Click Edit option in the top menu.
edit file option1 cpanel
Option 2: Right click the file and select Edit.
edit file option2 cpanel
Step 5:
In the resulting popup select Edit.
text editor cpanel
Step 6: This will open the selected file in a text editor. Do the required changesand click "Save changes" in the right top corner to save the changes made in the file.
text editor save
Note: To change to "code editor" , select "use code editor" button in the top.

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