Download Full Website Backup in cPanel

How to generate or download full website backup in cPanel?


Full backup is used to create backup for the entire site such as emails, files, directories and databases.
To make the fullbackup of your site, proceed with the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to cPanel with the username and password.
Step 2: In the search box, type as backup and hit enter.
Step 3: Select Backup under Files in the search results.
backup in cpanel
Step 4: Click Download a Full Website Backup
backup1 in cpanel
Step 5: Select Home Directory from the drop down under Backup Destination.
Step 6: Provide the email address to which you will be sent the notification once after the backup completion.
Step 7: Click on Generate Backup.
generate full backup cpanel
When you click Generate Backup, you will get alert message as shown in the image below. Click Go Back to get back to the previous page.generate full backup1 cpanel

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