Create Email Accounts in Control Panel

How to create email accounts for your website using control panel?


To create new email account proceed with the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to Control Panel.
search keyword cpanel
Step 2: From the search results, select Accounts under Email.
accounts cpanel
Step 3: Enter the e-mail account name under Add Email Account.
email id cpanel
Step 4: Type the required password under password field.
password cpanel
Step 5: Retype the same password under password (again).
retype password cpanel
Note: Ensure that you provide strong password. Easy passwords will allow hackers to hack your email account easily.
Step 6: Enter the amount of space in mb for the e-mail account. For example, 100MB.
space limit cpanel
You can also select unlimited space, if you dont want to restrict e-mail account with any predefined space.
Step 7: Select "create account" to create the new e-mail account.
create account cpanel
Created account will be listed under the Email Accounts.
created account cpanel

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