How To Upload Under Construction Page in Cpanel For Linux Website?

Short tutorial on how to upload under construction page in Cpanel for linux website.


Under Construction or Coming Soon Page or file is used to show to the users that you are currently working on the website and are soon to launch it. The under construction page is useful in variety of cases like, when the site is under maintenance, when you would like to hide the website or webpage from the user, when you are in the process of making changes.

This short tutorial will explain you on how to upload the under construction or coming soon page in Cpanel for website hosting in Linux.

Step 1: Download the Under Construction or Coming Soon file from here named as index.html

Download Index.html
Step 2: Login to your Cpanel
Cpanel Login
Step 3: Go to File Manager
file manager
Step 4: Navigate to Public_html directory
select public html
Step 5: Upload the index.html file to the public_html directory.
upload icon
Step 6: You have now successfully uploaded the under construction page for your Linux website.

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