Change Email Quota in cPanel

How to change (increase or decrease space limit) email quota in cPanel?


Email quota allows to set space limit to store the data in an account. To change email quota follow the steps given below.
Step 1:Login to your cPanel account by entering your username and password.
Login To Cpanel
Step 2: You will be redirected to cPanel dash board. In the search box, type as Email Accounts to quickly find the Email Accounts menu.
Step 3: Now, just click on the Email Accounts icon shown to you.
Step 4:You will be directed to Email accounts page where you can find your list of email accounts.
Step 5:Choose the mail account which you want to change the size/quota and click on Manage.
Step 6:You will be directed to the MANAGE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT panel where you can manage your account settings. Scroll down to the Storage portion and change the Allocated Storage Space as per your need.
Step 7:The below picture shows you the allocated storage space increased from 1024 MB to 2 GB.
Step 8:After making necessary changes, scroll down and click on Update Email Settings button to save the changes.
Step 9:The email quota/size has been successfully increased.

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