A short tutorial that explains you on how to change or modify default page in Linux using Cpanel.
Refer the below short tutorial that clearly explains you on how to change or modify your default page in Linux using Cpanel with simple screenshots.
Step 1: Go to Cpanel login page.
Step 2: Go to File Manager
Step 3: Right click on .htaccess to go Edit.
Step 4: Now enter the DirectoryIndex yourfilename.
For Example: DirectoryIndex newindex.html
Note 1.1: If you cannot find .htaccess, go to Settings as shown below.
Note 1.2: Check for Show Hidden Files as shown below to view your .htaccess file.
Note 2.1: If there is no .htaccess file available in Cpanel. You can create a
.htaccess under public_html. Go to File
Note 2.2: You will get a pop up message as shown below. Enter the file name and click on Create File Name.