How to Block IP/Domain in cPanel?

A short tutorial explains you on how to block IP/Domain in cPanel?


You can block IP/Domain in cPanel. Refer the below simple tutorial which explains you on how to block IP/Domain in cPanel with screenshots.
Step 1: Go to cPanel Login page.
Cpanel Login
Step 2: Go to IP Blocker under Security category.
Ip Step1
Step 3: Enter the IP address that you want to block and click on Add button.
Ip Step2
Step 4: Your IP address will be blocked as shown in the below image.
Ip Step3
Step 5: You can see the blocked IP address in the image shown.
Ip Step4
Step 6: You can also block IP addresses by entering IP range.
Ip Step5
Step 7: Image shows the blocked IP addresses.
Ip Step7
Step 8: You can also block domain name. Enter the domain name you want to block and click on Add button.
Ip Step8
Step 9: Domain IP address will be displayed in blocked list.
Ip Step9

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