Create an Autoresponder in cPanel

How to create an autoresponder in cPanel?


In Cpanel, you can configure the email address to send automatic replies to the sender using "Auto responder" option. To set "Autoresponders", follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to Control Panel and search as auto in the search box.
Step 2: Click Autoresponders under Email.
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Step 3: Click Add Auto Responder.
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Step 4: Fill all the fields with the required data.
Interval: Set the time interval in hours to send automatic replies.
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Enter the email address for which you are going to set Autoresponders.
for eg,
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Domain will be chosen by default as,
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Enter the mail id from which you want to send the autoresponder mail.
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Enter the subject for the mail.
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Html Content: Tick the checkbox if you want to have the html style in your body content.
Type the body content.
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You can set the action to take place immediately or customize the date to start autoreply.
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Step 5: Set the stop time for the autoresponder mail and click "Create/Modify" button.
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