Add User to Database in cPanel

How to add user to database in Control Panel?


Allowing user for a database is nothing but granting permission for the user to access the particular database. To map database for a user follow the steps given below.
Step 1: Login to Control panel.
Step 2: In the search box, enter the keyword as database.
Step 3: From the search results, select MySQL Databases under Databases.
create mysql databases cpanel
Step 4: Under "Add User To Database", select the user under User field. Select the required database for the user from the Database field. Then click "Add".
add user to database cpanel
Here, database "hioxdemo_shortt" is mapped for the MySQL user "hioxdemo_short". Click Go Back to return to the previous page.
add user to database2 cpanel
In the below image, user "hioxdemo_short" is added to the database "hioxdemo_shortt".
add user to database3 cpanel

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