man swig Command

Man page for apt-get swig Command

Man Page for swig in Linux

Ubuntu Man Command : man swig

Man Swig  Command

This tutorial shows the man page for man swig in linux.

Open terminal with 'su' access and type the command as shown below:
man swig

Result of the Command Execution shown below:

SWIG(1)                                                                SWIG(1)

swig Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator

swig [options] file

The swig command is used to create wrapper code to connect C and C++
code to scripting languages like Perl, Python, etc. from the definition
of the interface. For detailed information on writing those interface
definitions please refer to /usr/share/doc/swig doc/Manual/index.html
from the swig doc package. This manpage concentrates on explaining the
invocation of the swig command.

Target Language Options:
Generate CHICKEN wrappers

Generate C

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