man nginx Command

Man page for apt-get nginx Command

Man Page for nginx in Linux

Ubuntu Man Command : man nginx

Man Nginx  Command

This tutorial shows the man page for man nginx in linux.

Open terminal with 'su' access and type the command as shown below:
man nginx

Result of the Command Execution shown below:

nginx(1)                                                                                                                                                    nginx(1)

nginx small, but very powerful and efficient web server

nginx [options]

nginx is a server that can be used as standalone HTTP server and as a reverse proxy server before some Apache or another big server to reduce load to backend
servers by many concurrent HTTP sessions.

A summary of options is included below:

?, h Show this help.

v Show version and exit.

V Show version and configure options then exit.

s signal
Send signal to a master process: stop, quit, reopen, reload.

p prefix
Set prefix path.

g directives
Set global directives out of configuration file.

Specifies a particular configuration file for nginx to load.

t Tests nginx configuration and exit.


nginx was written by Igor Sysoev .

This manual page was written by Jose Parrella and
Kartik Mistry , for the Debian project (but may be used by others).


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