man lbzip2 Command

Man page for apt-get lbzip2 Command

Man Page for lbzip2 in Linux

Ubuntu Man Command : man lbzip2

Man Lbzip2  Command

This tutorial shows the man page for man lbzip2 in linux.

Open terminal with 'su' access and type the command as shown below:
man lbzip2

Result of the Command Execution shown below:

LBZIP2(1)                                                                   User commands                                                                  LBZIP2(1)

lbzip2 parallel bzip2 utility

lbzip2|bzip2 [ n WTHRS] [ k| c| t] [ d] [ 1 .. 9] [ f] [ v] [ S] [ FILE ... ]

lbunzip2|bunzip2 [ n WTHRS] [ k| c| t] [ z] [ f] [ v] [ S] [ FILE ... ]

lbzcat|bzcat [ n WTHRS] [ z] [ f] [ v] [ S] [ FILE ... ]

lbzip2|bzip2|lbunzip2|bunzip2|lbzcat|bzcat h

Compress or decompress FILE operands or standard input to regular files or standard output, by calling Julian Seward's libbz2 from multiple threads. The
lbzip2 utility employs multiple threads and an input bound splitter even when decompressing .bz2 files created by standard bzip2 (but see BUGS below).

The default mode of operation is compression. If the utility is invoked as lbunzip2 or bunzip2, the MO is switched to decompression. Calling the utility as
lbzcat or bzcat selects decompression, with the decompressed byte stream written to standard output.

Set the number of (de)compressor threads to WTHRS. If this option is not specified, lbzip2 either queries the system for the number of online proces Äê
sors (if both the compilation environment and the execution environment support that), or it exits with an error.

k, keep
Don't remove FILE operands after successful (de)compression. Open regular input files with more than one links.

c, stdout
Write output to standard output, even when FILE operands are present. Implies k and excludes t.

t, test
Test decompression; discard output instead of writing it to files or standard output. Implies k and excludes c.

d, decompress
Force decompression over the mode of operation selected by the invocation name.

z, compress
Force compression over the mode of operation selected by the invocation name.

1 .. 9
Set the compression block size to 100K .. 900K, in 100K increments.

fast Alias for 1.

best Alias for 9. This is the default.

f, force
Open non regular input files. Open input files with more than one links, breaking links when k isn't specified in addition. Try to remove each output
file before opening it.

v, verbose
Print a short message to standard error whenever a (de)compression operation commences.

S Print condition variable statistics to standard error for each completed (de)compression operation.

s, small, q, quiet, repetitive fast, repetitive best
Accepted for compatibility with bzip2, otherwise ignored.

h, help, L, license, V, version
Display license and version information, plus help on command line usage.

Before parsing the command line, lbzip2 inserts the contents of these variables, in the order specified, between the invocation name and the rest of
the command line. Tokens are separated by spaces and tabs, which cannot be escaped.

If this variable is set to a non empty value, lbzip2 prints a memory allocation trace to standard error. The trace can be checked with the
/usr/share/lbzip2/ Perl script.

FILE Specify files to compress or decompress. If no FILE is given, lbzip2 works as a filter. FILEs with .bz2, .tbz, .tbz2 and .tz2 name suffixes will be
skipped when compressing. When decompressing, .bz2 suffixes will be removed in output filenames; .tbz, .tbz2 and .tz2 suffixes will be replaced by
.tar; other filenames will be suffixed with .out. If an INT or TERM signal is delivered to lbzip2, then it removes the regular output file currently
open before exiting.

0 if lbzip2 finishes successfully. This presumes that whenever it tries, lbzip2 never fails to write to standard error.

1 if lbzip2 encounters a fatal error.

4 if lbzip2 issues warnings without encountering a fatal error. This presumes that whenever it tries, lbzip2 never fails to write to standard error.

(via assert()) if a runtime assertion fails (ie. lbzip2 detects a bug in itself). Hopefully whoever compiled your binary wasn't bold enough to

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